Official Flyer:




    • Breakdown of the program below:
    • 1: Big Hall, ground floor
    • 2: Entrance lobby, ground floor
    • 3: Foyers of the big hall, ground floor and the 2nd floor
    • 4: Room #2 on the 4th floor and Room #5 on the ground floor
    • 5: Room #1 on the 4th floor and Room #3 on the 4th floor
    • 6: Room #4 on the 4th floor and Japanese room on the 4th floor
    • 7: Small Hall, 3rd floor
    • 8: Exhibition room on the 1st basement floor (-1): SWING DANCE FLOOR! 

This exhibition room is the most important one for swing dancers, because it has a swing dance floor and our dressing room. So, please come here to begin with.  10 professional jazz bands are gonna perform here.  Since all the official programs are written in Japanese, TSDS translated the program of this room below into English. See Sheet No.2 of this LINK.
Highlight of this room will be The Soul Food Cafe, so you should not miss it during 15:45 – 16:25.
Group photo time for swing dancers at the exhibition room is at 16:30-16:35.  Let’s meet there!

    • 9: Rehearsal room on the 2nd basement floor (-2)